
Alocasias are known for their distinctive broad-leaved foliage. They are tropical plants hailing from Southeast Asia and Australia. Their large leaves derive from their natural environment, where they grow on the forest floor fighting with other plants for access to light.
Alocasias will do well in a range of light. For active growth and the large foliage they are known for, place your Alocasia into bright indirect light. They will do ok in less light also but their growth will be slower and their foliage not as large.
Do no place your Alocasia into direct sun light as this will burn their foliage.
Alocasias are native to South East Asia and Australia which is tropical and subtropical. They like their soil to dry out slightly but not entirely. Consistent moisture is the key.
​Water your Alocasias every
1 - 2 weeks depending on environmental conditions including light and temperature.
​Plants in medium to low light require watering less often that plants in bright indirect light.
The soil should be loose and not densely packed to allow for free water drainage and oxygen supply to the roots. We recommend a cacti and succulent mix for your Alocasia.
​Adding coco coir which has water retentive qualities to the cacti and succulent mix will ensure consistent moisture which Alocasia prefer.
With the tropics and subtropics being the natural habitat for Alocasias, they will do best in environments between 18°C and 26°C.
​If kept in a cooler space during the colder months, your Alocasias will like go dormant. They may not loose their foliage but they will stop growing.
Humidity levels in the natural habitat of Alocasias is consistently high, so placing your Alocasias in an area with high humidity is ideal.
Putting them on a pebble tray or grouping them with other plants will help to increase humidity.
Running a humidifier for a few hours a day will be greatly beneficial also or placing them in the bathroom which are naturally humid
should light levels allow.
Feed your Alocasia with a well balanced all around houseplant fertiliser.
​Follow the instructions on the bottle as more is NOT always better when it comes to fertiliser.
​During spring and summer, fertilise at full strength every week and in autumn and winter at half strength every fortnight.
As Alocasias mature, they will develop offset pups that will grow independently from the mother plant and which can easily be taken off the mother plant while repotting, as the pups will have their own root system.
​Established Alocasias also grow bulbs underneath the soil near the roots which are round-ball like structures that store nutrients. These can be taken off the mother plant and grown into plants with the right technique
Alocasia Amazonica 'Alocasia Polly' | How to take care of your Alocasia
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