Here you will find stories of my personal experiences and recommendations from our suppliers. I hope you enjoy xx

6 tips for making your home nice and cozy this winter
Let's face it. If we're all hibernating inside, we might as well snuggle up and make the most of it.

5 reasons we're currently obsessed with peperomia
Did you know that 2024 has been declared the year of peperomia? Well, now you do.

Best things to do in Lyttelton
Over the river and through the woods, or rather over the hills and through the tunnel, will bring you to the coolest pocket of
Christchurch - the beautiful yet delightfully weird world of Lyttelton.

Why are my houseplant's leaves turning yellow?
One of the most common questions we get asked is why some of my houseplant's leave turn yellow. Guess what? It happens to all of us!