Single Origin Ground Coffee Kit Juan Valdez - 280g
Approx $14.71 USD
Juan Valdez Single-Origin Coffees, as the name implies, are produced with carefully selected beans grown exclusively in a specific region of Colombia. Each one of them pays tribute to its origins and gives you the opportunity to savour a flavour profile that is unique to a particular region.
Contains 4 sachets of 70 g each of ground coffees:
Sierra Nevada
- Cup profile: Strong
- Tasting notes: Dark chocolate, sweet caramel, roasted walnut
- Cup profile: Balanced
- Tasting notes: orange, sweet caramel
- Cup profile: Balanced
- Tasting notes: Brown Sugar, plum, apple
- Cup profile: Soft
- Tasting notes: Lemon, brown sugar
growingregions.Thiskitfeaturesaselectionofpremiumgroundcoffeesourcedfromcarefullychosensingle-originfarms,showcasingtheuniquecharacteristicsofeachregion.Withcarefullyroastedbeansthathighlightdistinctflavornoteslikefruity,floral,andnuttyundertones,thiskitoffersanauthenticandimmersivecoffeeexperienceforenthusiastsandnewcomersalike.Perfectforusewithdripcoffeemakers,Frenchpress,orpour-overmethods,thekitensuresyoucanenjoythebestofColombiancoffeeathome.This 280g kit is designed for those who appreciate variety and quality in their coffee. Each bag of ground coffee is expertly roasted to bring out the full-bodied flavor and aroma specific to its region, offering a curated tasting journey through Colombia’s coffee culture. Whether you prefer a bright, fruity profile or a smooth, nutty finish, the Single Origin Ground Coffee Kit provides the versatility to suit different tastes and brewing methods. Experience the authentic taste of Colombia’s coffee heritage, one cup at a time, and discover new favorites as you explore the diverse regions of this coffee-rich country.